kuch fursat ke lamhe

Opened the door to a new life, Hoping to find moments of nothingness, That nook which will show the Meaning of things, That i have just known, and have been ambiguous about. Stopped to gaze at the horizon Thinking may be the map of my quest will be found, Slept only with the hope of dreams that will Someday become the inspiration of life. I woke to find what we know of life, is just a Bucket full of bubbles frail and flimsy Alike yet so different. Just echoing, the voices Of evanescent and endurance, Of truth and falsity. It was never easy that walk of difference, I still wonder the purpose of me, In the whirlpool of so much, I am still seeking that nothingness. Still outside but a strom I hide Fear to face myself is only what I deny, Not scared of losing, but sorry I can't conquer myself. You aren't my enemy, I am my own poison.