Back to time

That lane outside my paradise,
was chirpping with the sounds of innocence,
There was not a lonely hand,
Someone was there to make the sad ones laugh,
To keep company to those who were alone.
The doors were open and windows beamed with the light of security.
There were lies and pranks, but no harm caused,
All were friends, who had the time cheat and betray,
Always busy to finish what teacher had asked and ready to take over the world with  the bunch of friends.
I never had the phone because a shout was enough to summon the entire group out.
Who had known the sun will be the same but it would cause a tan when we grow up,
Who knew despite having the technology in hand,
It will take years to call the best friend.
It wasn't easy then, it isn't easy now
But the spirit to get across is faded and weak.


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